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Influenza News

Keeping Yourself.. And Your Family Healthy

The CDC (Center for Disease Control) has many helpful hints to control the spread of germs and keep you healthy!

Randolph Southern School Corporation works with local, state, and national agencies to acquire up-to-date information regarding health issues, including "Bird Flu", to ensure the corporation is prepared to address health concerns now and in the future.

Cover Your Cough

Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve, not your hands.
Always put your used tissue in the waste basket.

Clean Your Hands

Always clean your hands after coughing or sneezing and before you eat or prepare food.
Wash your hands with soap and  water for at least 20 seconds or clean your hands with an alcohol- based hand cleaner.

More Information

For more information and fun activities to share with your family about stopping the spread of germs and staying healthy, visit these websites: